Contact Adult Social and Health Care

Send a message to our team.

What is this contact about?
What is this contact about?

Requesting services or an assessment

Before we can help you

Before we can help you, we need to look at your care needs. The best way to tell us what you need is to complete a request for assessment.

You can complete the request form for yourself or on behalf of another person.

Professionals making a referral - complete the referral form.

Who is contacting us
Who is this contact about?

Do not use this form to request services or an assessment. The best way to tell us what you need is to complete a request for assessment for yourself or on behalf of another person.

Details about the other person
Your details

Other ways to contact us

By post or telephone

Social and Health Care team 

PO Box 780



0345 050 7666, option 2

8.30am - 5pm Monday - Thursday

8.30am - 4pm Friday

Service information

Contact the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) for out of hours urgent emergencies: 0800 833 408. For adult social care and children's services only.

Online services