General information for providers

Information for providers of adult social care and support

Care home support

Dignity, equalities and human rights

Market position statement

Oxfordshire Market Position Statement 2019 - 2022

The Market Position Statement (MPS) sets out the current and anticipated demand for adult social care and related services and how we plan to meet these needs. It is aimed at existing and potential providers of care homes, home care, mental health services, Extra Care Housing, Supported Living, employment and daytime opportunities and other care services and provides essential information for all involved in the Oxfordshire care market.

It was co-produced with care providers and people that use services and is jointly published by Oxfordshire County Council and Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group. We recognise that Oxfordshire’s care market is essential for providing both health and social care. We intend to engage with our care providers across all services to ensure Oxfordshire’s population has access to a wide range of good value, high quality and innovative services.

We have also produced an Extra Care Housing MPS Supplement which provides details of the demand for extra care housing and where we expect it to be developed.


Safeguarding (adults and children)

Health and safety 

Fire risk assessments

Quality improvement

We have a duty to ensure the care and support that a person receives meets their needs is safe and of good quality. Where these support needs are met by external providers, Oxfordshire County Council will monitor their performance and work with them to make improvements.

This document outlines how the council monitors services and the organisations that provide them, to ensure people receive high quality care.