New employers in the fund

Admission process for employers

The route for a new employer to join the Oxfordshire fund will depend on the type of employer.  All however will need

  • an application
  • understand the charges involved with application, these will include, but not be limited to legal and actuarial costs
  • knowledge of the statutory duties a fund employer must fulfill
  • able to complete the administration requirements and data exchange within fund and regulation timetables

To start your application contact the Employer team at Pension Services.

Background resources include

Outsourcing and TUPE

June 2019 - Pension Protection reminder notice (pdf format, 116Kb)  

An employer already in the LGPS will have responsibilities concerning the protection of their employees’ pensions when considering an outsourcing or alternative service delivery options.

You must contact Pension Services early in your project to ensure the correct procedure, options and protections are in place. Failure to have the current information can delay the project.

Contact the Employer Team at Pension Services for information.