LGPS - Local Pension Board

Find out more about the constitution for the Local Pension Board

Vacancy for a scheme employer representative

There is currently a vacancy on the Board for a new Scheme Employer Representative. If you would like to join the Board, please complete the expression of interest form (docx format, 74Kb) and send it to Mark Smith, Head of Pensions. 

If you would like more information about the role, please see the frequently asked questions and answers (pdf format, 120Kb) or contact Mark at mark.smith@oxfordshire.gov.uk

Who sits on the board?

Scheme employer representatives

  • Angela Priestley-Gibbins, Pension Specialist at the Thera Trust which employs staff through The Camden Society.
  • Susan Blunsden, HR Manager at Cherwell District Council 
  • Vacancy

Scheme member representatives

  • Alistair Bastin, Unison, Oxfordshire County Council
  • Stephen Davis, Unite, Oxford City Council
  • Liz Hayden, retired member

Independent chairman (non-voting)

  • Matthew Trebilcock, Head of Pensions, Gloucestershire LGPS Fund.

What the board does

The board's key roles are to support and challenge the Pension Fund Committee as it carries out its statutory responsibilities. For details, check the LGPS - Local Pension Board of Oxfordshire Pension Fund Committee Constitution (pdf format, 105Kb)

Main issues reviewed by the board

The board publishes an annual report on its work. Download the 2022/23 report (pdf format 141Kb).

Over the last year, the main issues reviewed by the board have been:

  • reviewing the arrangements for the 2022 valuation
  • cyber security
  • staff resources in light of the increasing complexity of the LGPS and in particular the McCloud Remedy
  • improving engagement with scheme members
  • a review of the provision of the Additional Voluntary Contribution (AVC) Scheme.

More information can be found in the papers and minutes of recent board meetings

What the pensions regulator does

The regulator oversees the governance and administration of the public sector pension schemes. The code of practice, essential guides and toolkit for scheme managers and pension board members are on the pension regulator website.

How to find out more about the work of the board

For more information on the work of the pension board, contact the Head of Pension Services.