Contact the Learner Engagement Service

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Other ways to contact us

By post or telephone

Learner Engagement Team

Oxfordshire County Council

2nd Floor

Abbey House


OX14 3JD

Tel: 01865 323513

Service information

It is the duty of schools, led by the headteacher, to create safe learning environments where bullying, harassment and violence are never tolerated.  Therefore, we hope you are able to work with your child’s school to clarify the issues, identify what’s needed, and put a plan together that enables things to improve and all people to feel reassured that they will be safe from further harm

If you have followed the school’s complaints procedure about bullying of your child and are still unsatisfied, you can contact us for further support. 

Initially, refer to our Help if your child is being bullied page for more information and support.

If an immediate response from Children’s Social Care is necessary, call 0345 050 7666.

If you have an urgent concern for a child call 999 or 101.

If you are an educational setting or outside agency, you might wish to refer to Contact a team or service who will seek to address any enquiries.