Early years children with autism

Support, information, courses and support groups for parents, carers and families.

Courses and support groups

There are courses for parents, carers and families who have a child diagnosed on the autism spectrum. These courses help you to to understand your child’s differences and how they may be experiencing the world.

All the courses are run as a partnership between local services, including:

  • Oxfordshire County Council
  • Oxford Health NHS Foundation
  • the voluntary sector.

For parents, carers and families of children 5 years or under

Parent Information Session

Soon after your child is diagnosed at the Children’s Hospital at the John Radcliffe Hospital, you'll be invited to attend a parent information session. The two-hour session is run by:

  • a speech and language therapist
  • an occupational therapist
  • a family support worker from the local charity Autism Family Support Oxfordshire. 

The session is run regularly throughout the year and provides information about autism. It's also an opportunity to meet other parents.

The PUFFIN Programme

Purposeful Family Focussed Intervention (PUFFIN)  (pdf format). An online course over four weeks for families with children aged under five years with a formal or working diagnosis of autism

For parents, carers and families of children aged 5 -12 years

School With Families Together (SWIFT)

Primary SWiFT is a four-week course for schools, parents, carers and families who have a primary school-aged child on the autism spectrum or with similar communication and interaction needs.

Parents and school staff attend together to ensure they develop a shared understanding of the needs of the child and consistent strategies to support them at home and at school

This course is run in partnership with schools by SENSS Communication and Interaction specialist advisory teachers and advisory support workers.

For more information please download the update on SWiFT courses

Post-diagnostic training for parents, carers and families

Autism Family Support Oxfordshire (AFSO) provide training for parents, carers and families. Visit the Autism Family Support Oxfordshire for further details.

The Family Information Service and directory holds useful information about national and local support groups and networks for families with children with SEN or disability.