Contact the Fire and Rescue Service

Send a message to our team.

Your query
What do you want to contact us about?

Referral for an urgent home safety visit

You can request an urgent out-of-hours home safety visit: 

  • because the fire risk is so high
  • and it is after 5.30 pm on a weekday or, it is a weekend.

Friends of OFRS

Are you a former Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service employee?

If you would like to join the ‘Friends of OFRS’ contact list, complete the form and include details of:

  • where you served
  • when you served.

Water hydrants

To tell us about a hydrant you suspect is being used illegally, for example, by builders or contractors:

  • use this form (include who's using the hydrant and where)
  • or, call 08443814909.

Fire safety concern

Tell us if you have a concern about fire risk in a business or flats.

Your contact form

Your contact form


Other ways to contact us

Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service

Fire and Rescue Service HQ

Sterling Road
