Decreasing or increasing your payments

How you can reduce your payments with 50/50 or buy more pension by increasing your payments.

Decreasing payments - the 50/50 section

You have the option in the LGPS to pay half your normal contributions in return for half your normal pension. It's called the 50/50 section of the scheme and is designed to help members stay in the scheme when times are financially tough.

You retain full life assurance and ill health cover when you are in the scheme's 50/50 section.  Please contact your employer if you would like to move into the 50/50 section.

Find more about the 50/50 option and what the implications are on the LGPS members website.

Increasing payments

You have the option to pay additional voluntary contributions (AVCs) or additional pension contributions (APCs) to increase the value of your pension. Both are a tax-efficient way of saving for your life after work. Learn more about increasing your pension benefits.

Looking after your pension - video