Rejoin or transfer out of the LGPS

What you need to know if you decide to rejoin or transfer out of the LGPS.

Rejoining the LGPS

Linking your previous pension with the new one

Your pension periods should be automatically linked if:

  • you left and then rejoin the LGPS after 31 March 2014
  • the gap between membership of any public services pension scheme is less than five years.

You must declare any membership you have with a public sector pension scheme when you rejoin the scheme to start the transfer arrangements.  You must declare this whether or not you want to transfer.

Keeping the periods separate

You can decide to keep periods of LGPS membership separate. You must make a formal decision and tell Pension Services within 12 months of starting your new job. This is also the rule when changing jobs with the same employer.

Transferring out of the LGPS

Watch this LGPS video about transferring your pension

Pension Services will not automatically transfer your pension out of the LGPS. To start the transfer process, contact the administrators of your new scheme. 

We recommend you collect as much information as possible about the new scheme. Before you agree to it, you should know what a transfer from the LGPS would mean. An independent financial advisor may help you review all options.

Avoiding scams

A transfer away from the LGPS should be carefully considered. There are unscrupulous ‘offers’ and scams. Check the information on the Pensions Regulator’s website to help recognise the ‘scammers’ and their approach. 

Freedom and Choice

From 6 April 2015, the Government introduced greater flexibility ('Freedom and Choice') in the way individuals aged 55 and over can access any defined contribution (DC) pension savings they may have. 

Find out more about your options relating to the Freedom and Choice legislation.