Oxfordshire SEND local offer

Request an education, health and care needs assessment

How to prepare your request for an EHC needs assessment.

If we decide to do an EHC needs assessment

If we decide to do an EHC needs assessment, we'll ask for more information. The assessment must take into account the wishes and feelings of the child's parent or young person. We also ask for:

  • information from school
  • psychological advice from an educational psychologist
  • medical advice, usually from the community paediatrician unless your child is already under another specialist
  • advice from social care.

Read the SENDIASS guidance about providing parental advice and information for an assessment (pdf format, 78 KB).

Help for young people

The Children and Young People’s Partnership Service (CHYPPS) can provide support. CHYPPS can support a young person to request an EHC needs assessment. Or attend meetings with them to help them get their views across.

Contact CHYPPS on 01865810516 or email CHYPPS@oxfordshire.gov.uk.

What happens next?

Once an EHC needs assessment is agreed we will gather information and use this to decide if an EHC plan is required. We will make this decision no later than 16 weeks following your request for an EHC needs assessment.