Other Minerals and Waste documents

Authorities Monitoring Reports and Local Aggregates Assessments

Authorities monitoring reports 

We prepare monitoring reports each year, which reports on and monitors the Minerals and Waste Local Plan policies. Authorities monitoring reports will, in particular, report on:

  • progress on implementation of the Minerals and Waste Development Scheme and preparation of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan
  • the extent to which policies in the Minerals and Waste Local Plan are being achieved.

The most recent authorities monitoring reports are available below. Contact us for earlier reports (back to 2005).

Oxfordshire Local Aggregate Assessment (LAA)

The council is required to produce a Local Aggregate Assessment (LAA) and to update it annually. This includes forecasts of the demand for aggregates, an analysis of all aggregate supply options and the rate of future provision for land-won primary aggregates in Oxfordshire. The latest LAA was published in January 2024 based on 2022 information.

Previous LAAs

Preparation of an updated Oxfordshire LAA for 2015 was delayed pending publication by the government of the full results of the Aggregate Minerals Survey 2014 for England and Wales. In the absence of a full LAA, the council prepared a draft interim update LAA 2015 for the South East England Aggregate Working Party meeting on 10 November 2015. This is available below

Information from annual surveys of quarry sales and reserves in Oxfordshire for 2015 to 2017 are available below.

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

The county council wants to make sure that everyone within an interest in minerals, waste and county council developments in Oxfordshire can be actively involved.

The Oxfordshire Statement of Community Involvement sets out how the county council will engage with and involve people and organisations in the preparation of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan and in the consideration of planning applications for Minerals, Waste and County Council developments.

Following changes in planning laws and procedures,  in 2020 the council decided that the Statement of Community Involvement should be updated.

The revised Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Statement of Community involvement 2020 (pdf format, 261Kb) was approved in May 2020.

Keeping you informed

We hold a register of people and organisations with an interest in the Minerals and Waste Local Plan. This is only used to keep people informed about progress in preparing Minerals and Waste Local Plan documents, publication and consultation. Contact us to be included on the register. 

Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Part 2 – Site Allocations

On 20 December 2022 Cabinet approved a new Minerals and Waste Development Scheme. The Scheme sets out the decision and timetable to pursue a Minerals and Waste Local Plan, combining parts 1 and 2 into a new Minerals and Waste Local Plan.

In light of this decision, work has now stopped on the the Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan Part 2 (Site Allocations Document). It will cease its progress through the plan making process and will consequently be given no weight in future planning decisions.