Safer and healthier travel

Making it easier and safer to travel under our own steam will help us make different decisions.

What you can expect

We are looking at ways to improve safety and increase the take up of alternative methods of travel. Reducing speed limits in built-up areas to make it safer for residents to cycle or walk, improving safety around schools and implementing initiatives that make cycling more accessible for all are being planned and delivered around the county.

How they are being funded

Each of these projects is funded by schemes that encourage alternative methods of travel – inspiring decisions that will help keep us healthier and fitter, whilst also reducing carbon emissions and the amount of traffic on our roads.

Find out more

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    Schemes are now underway, with local parishes having the opportunity to lower speeds in towns, parishes and villages across the county. Communities can register an interest.

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    Travelling to school

    We are making it easier for parents and carers to take their children to school without relying on the car. There are a number of projects being trialled or underway that are designed to help, with more being planned.

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    Breeze rides

    Breeze offers fun, free bike rides for women of all abilities. We’ve partnered with British Cycling to support them in parts of Oxfordshire.

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    Keeping safe on our roads

    Find places to safely park your bike, where to get cycle training for children or information on the safety of our roads.