Different ways to travel for work or leisure

Getting around by foot, bike or on public transport is great for the environment and your health.

What you can expect

Investment across the county is being used to develop networks that support alternative methods of travel – whether specific initiatives to reduce local traffic or large infrastructure projects that incorporate bus, foot and cycle travel improvements.

We make sure alternative travel options are now an integral part of all planning for our roads, network and health initiatives.

How they are being funded

Each of these projects is funded by schemes that encourage alternative methods of travel. Inspiring decisions that will help keep us healthier and fitter, whilst also reducing carbon emissions and the amount of traffic on our roads.

Find out more

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    The proposed quickways cycle lanes which remove delays to get people in and out of Oxford more quickly, will improve cycling safety and accessibility in east, south and north Oxford. Find out more about the plans around quickways.

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    Walking and cycling routes

    Circular walks, health walks and cycling routes are available across the county to get us out and about. Many are independent but supported walks are available too.

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    Street tag

    Physical exercise is turned into a game with street tag. Could you get your school to sign up? It’s quick and easy, and anyone in the community can contribute the points they win for walking to help the school reach the top of the leaderboard. Find out more about how you can turn a healthy activity into rewards.

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    E-scooters are available in Oxford and can be hired for short trips around the city. GPS tracking, zoning restrictions and limited speed are all built-in to help ensure the e-scooters meet the vehicle restrictions of each area they operate in

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    Providing travel options with infrastructure projects

    All road infrastructure developments now focus on identifying ways to improve and provide ways for people to travel differently. There are many ways this is being done across the county. Find out more about what is already being done, and what is being planned.