Terms and conditions of School Streets

School Streets parking exemption terms and conditions.

  1. There is no charge for a vehicle to be added to the exemption list for a School Street.  
  2. 10 working days’ notice must be given for a vehicle to be added to the Exemption List on the first application. 48 hours' notice should be given for any subsequent change of vehicle. Applications submitted at the weekend and bank holidays will be processed the next working day.
  3. It is an offence to give false or misleading information. Failure to abide by one or more of the terms and conditions herein may lead to prosecution and the exemption will be withdrawn. 
  4. Oxfordshire County Council has a duty to protect public funds and may use information the applicant provides to detect and prevent fraud. For this reason, the council may also share this information with other organisations dealing with public funds. 
  5. Oxfordshire County Council wishes to prevent fraudulent applications. If you know of or suspect fraud, in the first instance please contact the Parking Enforcement team via the online form
  6. To get an exemption, you will need to scan / photograph a copy of the relevant documents listed in the table of Exemption Categories, application process and evidence required and deliver them to the relevant parties. Please note the application process and the evidence required differs depending on the status of the applicant, so please read the table of Exemption categories, application process and evidence required carefully.
  7. The vehicle against which an exemption is applied for must be registered to the same name referred to in item 6 above, except where the vehicle is on long term hire/lease or belongs to the applicant’s employer. Evidence is required, such as a copy of the lease agreement and/or letter from the employer confirming the use of the vehicle. 
  8. The applicant will support their exemption application by providing the documentation outlined in the table of Exemption categories, application process and evidence required and will produce such evidence if requested to do so by a council officer. 
  9. An exemption only applies to a School Street zone that has a permit designation prefixed with ‘SS’. 
  10. It should be noted that an offence of obstruction may be caused if a vehicle is parked so as to block a properly constructed vehicle crossing over the footway. The Council has the power to withdraw an exemption from anyone who persistently obstructs someone from gaining access to or egress from their property. 
  11. The applicant will notify Oxfordshire County Council of any changes in their personal circumstances which may affect the validity of the School Street exemption including, but not limited to, the sale/disposal of the vehicle. 
  12. Vehicles displaying a valid Disabled Person’s badge can park without charge or time limit in a resident’s/dual use parking place provided that the vehicle is being used by a disabled driver or has set down or is due to pick up a disabled passenger.
  13. On occasions, the Council may suspend the whole or part of a parking place, but this will only be done for certain specific reasons when necessary. Please ensure your vehicle is not parked in a place where parking has been suspended, as you may be issued with a Penalty Charge Notice and your vehicle may be removed.