Apply for a School Street exemption

If you are eligible, you can apply for an exemption from School Street restrictions.

Private off-street parking access

Users of private off-street parking accessed through a School Street restriction can apply for an exemption.

How to apply

You can contact our Parking Team with the documents described below.

Proof you are the vehicle's registered keeper

You must provide proof of address for the resident that clearly shows their name and address. You can provide one of the following documents.

You can provide one of the following documents.

  • Front cover of your vehicle registration document (V5C).
  • Company letter (for a company car).
  • Long-term lease agreement.
  • New keeper supplement.
  • Sales invoice.
  • Lease agreement registered to your employer.

Proof of private parking

You must provide a document that proves you have private parking accessed through a School Street restriction. Examples are a property plan or garage rental agreement in your name.