Policy and strategy document

Oxfordshire County Music Service: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy 2022-23

We want all who engage with us to be able to access our service and participate fully in their musical journey, regardless of disability (including hidden disability), race ethnic or national origins, colour or nationality, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. We consider the impact our decision-making has on those living with social deprivation, in rural communities, those leaving care, carers, and those in our armed forces community.

We operate within the council’s ‘Including Everyone’ framework, incorporating the goals and ambitions therein. We review and develop our plan as a working document, responsive to the needs of the communities we serve, and aligned with the OCC Values – Always Learning, Equality and Integrity and Daring to do things differently,

Three sections

The framework is divided into three sections, each of which has two goals which support the delivery of our ambitions:

  1. Inclusive communities:
    1. We work with communities to help them thrive.
    2. We work with partners to tackle disadvantages in our communities.
  2. Inclusive service delivery.
    1. Our information and buildings are accessible to all.
    2. Our services use good data and engage with users to plan and meet their different needs.
  3. Inclusive workplace.
    1. Our workforce is inclusive, reflecting the diversity of the communities we serve.
    2. Our staff have the values, skills and knowledge to be inclusive.
Table of actions
Measure EDI commitment Key actions Responsibility
Create an over-arching strategy to develop ED&I within the service and the wider hub Inclusive Communities Inclusive Service Delivery Inclusive Workforce
  • Understand current status
  • Identify key actions and map them across a timeframe
  • Agree on responsibility
Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
Audit all activity in terms of EDI

Our services use good data and engage with users to plan and meet their different needs.

Our Staff have the values, skills and knowledge to be inclusive

  • Consultation with  schools/students/parents
  • Run evaluation workshops involving leadership team and the wider staff
  • Disseminate findings and identify actions needed to be taken forward.
Management Team
Research options to broaden provision in areas such as SEND, wellbeing, LAC, Pupil premium and behaviour, leading to improved equality, diversity and inclusive offer Our services use good data and engage with users to plan and meet their different needs. We work with communities to help them thrive    

  • Conduct research on the current position for each category
  • Produce reports and share findings
  • Decide on the next steps
SEN Lead Management Team
Understand socially deprived areas in Oxfordshire Our services use good data and engage with users to plan and meet their different needs   We work with partners to tackle disadvantages in our communities. 
  • Identify key areas of deprivation using OCC research
  • Engage with Schools to increase understanding of the difficulties their pupils face
  • Ensure awareness of current support available
  • Suggest ways we may be able to support further
  • Share with the team and the wider community
Management Team
Broaden strategic partnerships and OMEP board membership 

Our workforce is inclusive, reflecting the diversity of the communities we serve   We work with partners to tackle disadvantages in our communities.

n/a Head of service OMEP Chair Management Team