New Minerals and Waste Plan (2042)

The new Minerals and Waste Plan for Oxfordshire up until 2042

On 20 December 2022, the County Council Cabinet approved a new Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (pdf format, 217Kb) The Scheme sets out the decision and timetable to pursue a Minerals and Waste Plan, combining parts 1 and 2 into a new Minerals and Waste Local Plan.

In light of this decision, work has now stopped on the Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan Part 2 (Site Allocations Document) and work has commenced on the preparation of the New Minerals and Waste Plan.

The new Plan, upon adoption, will replace the adopted Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Part 1: Core Strategy (2017). However, until this time the Core Strategy remains in place as part of the Development Plan for Oxfordshire. until it is replaced by the New Minerals and Waste Plan.

We are currently behind the timetable set out within the Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (13th Edition). 

Since the publication of the Minerals and Waste Development Scheme, central government have proposed significant changes to plan making,  and a revision to the NPPF is expected. 

In light of these developments, the County Council’s Cabinet Member will be considering how best to proceed with the Minerals and Waste Plan 

What happens next

Once a decision has been made, we will produce a revised Minerals and Waste Development Scheme which will set out the new timetable for the Plans production. 

Keeping you informed

We hold a register of people and organisations with an interest in the Minerals and Waste Local Plan. This is only used to keep people informed about progress in preparing Minerals and Waste Local Plan documents, publication and consultation. Contact us to be included on the register.