Information for town and parish councils

Useful links and resources for parish clerks and others involved with town and parish councils.

Have you changed your contact details?

If any of your contact details have changed, such as a new email address, or a new parish clerk contact us and we will update our records.

Useful pages

You can view parish council boundaries on the Oxfordshire Administrative Areas Map.

Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils

The Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils is part of a national network and has been representing town and parish councils (and parish meetings) for over 60 years. It provides advice and information for them, and training for councillors and clerks. It represents local council interests through partnerships with other local and regional agencies in the public, private and voluntary sectors.

External websites

  • Commission for Rural Communities

    Provides independent advice to government to the needs of people living in rural England are met.
  • Data protection information

    from the Information Commissioner's Office.
  • Direct Gov

    Links through to all government information and services.
  • Local.Gov

    Aimed at local authorities, this site provides quick and easy access to information from government departments, agencies and public bodies.
  • National Association of Local Councils (NALC)

    Representing 10,000 community, parish and town councils in England and Wales. Includes a publications section and a free legal advisory service to members.
  • Neighbourhood policing information

    from Thames Valley Police.
  • New Local Government Network

    The NLGN is a think tank whose aims are to empower local communities and transform public services. Includes publications, some of which are free.
  • Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils

    Represents and provides services for member town and parish councils and parish meetings.
  • Oxfordshire Community and Voluntary Action (OCVA)

    The main umbrella organisation for the voluntary and community sector in Oxfordshire.
  • Oxfordshire Insight (formally known as the Oxfordshire Data Observatory)

    Holds data on the people, politics, economy and environment of Oxfordshire.
  • Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association

    Independent registered charity promoting good-quality neighbourhood play and recreation opportunities throughout the county.
  • Community First Oxfordshire

    A registered charity that aims to improve the quality of life for those who live or work in rural Oxfordshire.
  • Rural transport information

    from Oxfordshire Rural Community Council.
  • Society of Local Council Clerks

    The professional body for local council clerks. Its membership is steadily growing and the society now represents clerks from over 4,000 councils in England and Wales.
  • Village hall information

    from Oxfordshire Rural Community Council.
  • Village shops information

    from Oxfordshire Rural Community Council.