Area Music Centres frequently asked questions

Information about the five Area Music Centres

What is an Area Music Centre?

Our Music Centres are the ideal place for your child to join a group, band, choir or orchestra to make music with other children of a similar age and level of musical experience. Every music centre has a number of different groups to suit all instruments.

Where are they?

Our Area Music Centres run on Saturday mornings in the following locations:

  • Bicester
  • Didcot
  • Thame
  • Oxford
  • Witney

When are the sessions?

All Music Centres run on Saturday mornings during term time. For a full list of dates, visit our Music Centres page, choose a centre and click ‘Register now’.


Bicester, Thame, Oxford and Witney Music Centres: 9am – 10:30am

Didcot Music Centre: 9:30am – 11am

Who can come along?

Any child aged six or upwards who’s been learning their instrument for a term or more. When your child reaches Grade 5 standard they’re welcome to join one of our more advanced ensembles such as Central Music School, our JamPod Academy Rockschools, Chamber Groups or the Oxfordshire Youth Big Bands.

If your child plays the guitar, we run a guitar ensemble in Witney on Saturday mornings at our music centre, plus Oxford Area Guitar Group at the Centre for Music on a Thursday evening.

Are instruments provided?

We don’t supply instruments at music centres (except some pianos and drum kits).

Children learning with the Music Service can hire an instrument from us. If you’d like to enquire about instrument hire please contact us.

What if I can’t make a session?

Our Music Centres are billed termly and scheduled for the full academic year, so unfortunately we can’t waive charges for sessions children miss.

What happens when I sign up for a Music Centre?

The leader of the music centre will contact you and let you know when the next session is.

Can I come along for a FREE trial session?

Of course! Sign up online and let the music centre leader know you want to come along for a free trial – they’ll make sure you’re not billed for the first session.

What if my child wants to stop coming to Music Centre?

You can de-register them for the centre

Do you have COVID-19 safety precautions in place?

In order to keep everyone as safe as possible, we have put together a comprehensive risk assessment, that reflects all current safety measures, with the Oxfordshire County Council Health and Safety team.

Who runs the sessions?

We employ highly skilled music teaching staff to run our music centres.

All staff who work with your child or have access to their personal information have a current DBS certificate.

All our teaching staff follows relevant schemes of work to deliver high-quality lessons and ensembles and we offer ongoing support and training to all staff during the year.

I have a different question

Please see our general FAQs here or contact us with your question.