A44 and A4260 Corridor study

A study to better understand the function of these two corridors in the southern part of Cherwell

The A44 and A4260 not only provide direct access into Oxford and settlements to the north of Oxford, but also connect people to A40 east and west and to the A34. This study explores and develops transport options and proposals across the north Oxford and south Cherwell area along these corridors in light of current and future travel demands, emerging growth and development assumptions.

The study investigates current and future transport issues for these two corridors and the links between them, the opportunities to improve sustainable connections with Oxford and wider Cherwell, and how to minimise congestion. Identifying the function of the two corridors to deliver this approach was key to determining where to prioritise the needs of the different transport modes, consistent with the aspirations of the county council’s adopted Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4).

This work was commissioned to take into account committed growth within Cherwell, Oxford and surrounding areas and to continue the approach to sustainable modes identified within the Oxford Strategy beyond the ring road. It did not consider growth to meet Oxford’s unmet housing needs.