Department for Transport additional funding

Money allocated to resurface and repair the county's roads

The Department for Transport (DfT) is providing an additional £8.3 billion to fund resurfacing and pothole repair across the country’s road network over the next 11 years. This funding is part of a £36 billion transport improvement plan known as Network North and has been made possible by reallocated HS2 funding, see link to the government’s website for more information.

Oxfordshire County Council will receive £2,629,000 in 23/24 and 24/25, as part of this additional funding. The majority of this funding will be used to prevent potholes from occurring by carrying out additional surface treatment work across the county. This is in line with our Asset Management Policy and will ensure we get the maximum coverage on our network.

In 23/24 this money will be spent on the following works;

  • B4477 – Kencot – a resurfacing scheme carrying out 8,796m2 of resurfacing.
  • Pre surface dressing patching – 33 number of sites carrying out 14,500 m2 of patching

In 24/25 we will be using this funding to add additional schemes to our surface dressing programme. This will result in an additional 29 schemes covering around 340,000 m2, this is equivalent to 47 football pitches. 


At Oxfordshire we are always looking at innovation when it comes to highway maintenance. Some more information on this can be found in the following news articles;


In order to assist with keeping the roads free from scarring the Network Co-ordination team gather together programmes of work (where they are not believed by the owners to be commercially sensitive) and encourage the use of the forward planning notices in Street Manager and also by the use by the Highway Authority of S58 notices.  We use our local HAUC meetings (quarterly) to discuss our works and advise.  We have also created a forward planning team who have overall knowledge of the network and can work to ensure that any intrusive work is undertaken before surfacing commences.

Capital funding

Below is a table showing the splits in sources of capital funding for highway works over the past 5 years. 


Year DfT funding Total Capital Revenue
2023/24 £24,563,000 £33,783,000 £20,879,200
2022/23 £14,300,000 £30,200,000 £23,589,300
2021/22 £25,358,000 £42,773,000 £19,892,000
2020/21  £31,000,000 £46,300,000 £22,472,000
2019/20 £34,029,000 £34,029,000 £19,375,700

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