Moving to Oxfordshire: a guide to school applications

What you need to know if you are moving to Oxfordshire with school-aged children.

Select the type of school you need

Before you apply for a school place, you need to check which type of school your child can attend. Have a look at the list below to find out which age range your child falls into.

School starting age for children in the UK

Most children start school full-time in the September after they turn 4. 

Primary school (children aged 4 to 11)

Children start primary school in Reception Year at age 4 or 5. They remain at primary school until they are 11 (Year 6).

Secondary school (children aged 11 to 16 or 18)

Children start secondary school at age 11 or 12 (Year 7). They remain at the school until age 16 (Year 11). Some schools have a sixth form so children can remain there until they are 18. 

Applications for the sixth form are made directly to the school.

Sixth form and sixth form college (children aged 16 to 18)

Where the secondary school has no sixth form, children can attend a sixth form college. Applications for the sixth form or sixth form college are made directly to the school.

Learn more about other education, employment and training (EET) (opens a new window) opportunities.

Other types of school

Infant school (aged 4 to 7) and junior school (aged 7 to 11)

There are only two infant and two junior schools in Oxfordshire.

They will start in Reception Year, and when they are in Year 2 (aged 7 or 8), they need to move to a junior or primary school (for Years 3 to 6). In some cases, an infant school will have a linked junior school. But you can apply to any junior or primary school. 

School year groups listed by age
Age range School Teaching year Curriculum stage
4-5 Primary or nursery Reception Foundation Stage
5-7 Primary or infant Years 1 and 2 Key Stage 1
7-11 Primary or junior Years 3, 4, 5, 6 Key Stage 2
11-14 Secondary Years 7, 8, 9 Key Stage 3
14-16 Secondary Years 10 and 11 Key Stage 4

Further information

Find out about schools.