School admissions data

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Available data

Cholsey Primary School - 2024/25 - Primary
Starting Reception year group in Primary or Infant School - 2024/25 academic year ( places allocated on 16th April 2024 ) Admission Number : 60
Total number of preferences for places 81
First Preferences requested 45
First Preferences offered (percentage offered) 45 offered (100%)
Second Preferences requested 18
Second Preferences considered (first preference not offered) 1
Second Preferences offered (percentage offered) 1 offered (100%)
Third Preferences requested 8
Third Preferences considered (first and second preferences not offered) 0
Third Preferences offered (percentage offered) 0 offered (0%)
Fourth Preferences requested 10
Fourth Preferences considered (higher preference not offered) 0
Fourth Preferences offered (percentage offered) 0 offered (0%)
The Governors or Trust decide the admissions criteria as shown below (in descending order of priority) together with the number of places offered under that criterion:
Places Offered
Criterion Number of Places
Children with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan that names the school 0
1. Children who are "Children We Care For" (CWCF) by a Local Authority within the meaning of Section 22 of the Children Act 1989 at the time of their application, and all "previously looked after" children (PCWCF), including those who appear to this Admissions Authority to have been in state care outside England (IAPCWCF) and ceased to be in state care having been adopted 0
2. Children who live in the designated (catchment) area and have a brother or sister on roll at the time of application who will still be attending at the time of entry 12
3. Children who live in the designated (catchment) area 26
4. Children who have a brother or sister on roll at the time of application who will still be attending at the time of entry but live outside the designated (catchment) area 3
5. All other children who do not live in the designated (catchment) area and also do not have a brother or sister on roll at the time of application who will still be attending at the time of entry 5
Total 46
Last Place Offered
5. All other children who do not live in the designated (catchment) area and also do not have a brother or sister on roll at the time of application who will still be attending at the time of entry 2.26 miles
Home to school distances measured using Straight Line Distance
Number of places available 14