Guest support: Homes for Ukraine scheme

Information, support and help for Ukrainian guests in the Homes for Ukraine scheme.

What do I need to organise when I arrive?


Disclaimer: as the translations linked above are provided by Google Translate, Oxfordshire County Council cannot be held responsible for their accuracy.

As soon as you arrive at your host’s home, make sure your host lets us know you are here. They can do that by emailing or calling 01865 966 444 (8.45am - 5pm, Monday to Thursday, 8.45am - 4pm, Friday, closed weekends and bank holidays).

Your sponsor has also been given lots of information to help you settle into life in the UK. This includes the government’s support pack for Ukrainians and local support information about services to help you.

You can expect support with:


  • Access to emergency medication, maternity or mental health care before you have formally registered with a GP.
  • Registering with a local GP and NHS dentist.

For more information on how the NHS works, Doctors of the world have produced some information in Ukrainian and Russian.

You can call the NHS for free on 111 if the illness or injury is not serious or life threatening. They will offer advice on how to find the treatment you need. There is also lots of information on

For emergencies, you should call 999. This includes things like chest pains, breathing difficulties, choking and serious bleeding.

For more information, visit NHS Oxfordshire’s website, which can also be translated.

Registering children for nursery, school or college

How to register for nursery, school or college.


  • Accessing a £200 payment when you arrive to cover any immediate costs you may have. The payment will be delivered to you at your host’s home by council staff, in person, within 48 hours of knowing you have arrived. We will usually issue this payment as a card with the money already on it. The card can be used online, in shops or at a cashpoint, just like a normal debit card. If you would prefer to receive this payment as cash, please let us know using the contact details above.
  • Applying for Universal Credit. This is a monthly payment to help with living costs, it is normally paid into a bank account but alternatives are available.

There are several banks registered in the UK that are offering additional support with setting up bank accounts. These include:                                              

High street banks

Online only


Registering with your local Jobcentre Plus if needed. You will be given the support of an individual job coach who can help you find and apply for local employment.

Jobcentre Plus will also be able to advise you which benefits you may be able to apply for.

Applying for a national insurance number. You will be able to use your Biometric Residence Permit as evidence of your immigration status in the UK, including your right to work.

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) offers services to support refugees and asylum seekers into work in the UK.

Settling in the community