Making a planning application

How to make a planning application for the management of waste or extraction of minerals.

Get advice before you apply

Before you submit an application we strongly encourage all applicants to contact us for pre-application advice to explore potential issues at an early stage and enable a timely decision is reached.

Submitting an application

You can either make an application via the Planning Portal website or complete the relevant form and upload it, along with all other application documents, to our contact us form. 

Management of waste

You can either make an application on the Planning Portal website or complete a full application form offline.

Refer to our planning application guidance notes (pdf format, 203KB) and planning portal help notes (365KB) for further information. 

Extraction of minerals

For applications relating to the extraction of minerals, complete the following form.

Our own operational use

To make an application for the following:

  • schools
  • libraries
  • other council buildings

Use the Planning Portal website or complete a full application form offline.

Other types of applications

Please use the following forms as required:

Modification of legal agreements/planning obligations under Section 106A

Applications seeking to modify the terms of an existing legal agreement or planning obligation entered into under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended may be made under Section 106A of the Act.

Local list of information requirements

The Local List of Information Requirements for validation of planning and related applications (The Local List) was republished in September 2023. This document sets out the information which will be required for all applications to be validated and our own local information requirements which, if considered relevant to your application, will also be required for the application to be validated.

The Local List was last updated in August 2021. The NPPF requires that the Local List be reviewed at least every two years. A provisional review of the Local List was undertaken in August 2023, and it was considered that no changes were immediately necessary at that time, although it is intended to undertake a thorough review in late 2023 following the introduction of mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain.

Pre-application discussions

All applicants are strongly advised to engage in pre-application advice with us to seek to identify and agree on those items on the Local List which are relevant to their application and which, therefore, will be required to be provided for it to be validated when submitted.

District council applications

For planning applications that are not for minerals or waste development or our own operational development, contact your district council: